Workshop Wednesday: Wonderful Websites for Reading!

I’m so excited to have a guest blogger! Things are cray-cray around here (totes magotes) and Alison, being the awesome BBB that she is, said that she would love to post as a guest today! If you don’t already follow this fabulous Floridian, you should!! She is too much fun. :o) I wish I could teach at one school with ALL my BBBs!!!
Now, here’s my girl’s post!!
Hey y’all…it’s Alison from Rockin’ and Lovin’ Learnin’.
I’m guest blogging today for Jivey for her weekly
Workshop Wednesday.
Can you even BELIEVE it?
How LUCKY am I?
I feel like a real life ROCKSTAR!
Thanks, Jivey!
Today’s Topic: Wonderful Websites or Apps
I love introducing new websites in the classroom, but 
it’s always nice to do use some oldies, but goodies!
The site I have chosen today is one that I have been using
for the past five years.
Have you ever used TweenTribune?
This site offers news articles specifically for kids
written BY kids and professional journalists.
I really like that they have different sites by grade levels.
Grades K-4 (TTJunior
Grades 5-8 (TweenTribune
Grades 9-12 (TeenTribune
Spanish- (TTEspanol)
Teachers may go on and set up an account.
Students may add themselves and attach to your class.
I always create the accounts with my kids.
Once the students read an article, they may reply, but you 
have to give the comments approval.
I make a really BIG deal about this and consider it 
a reading and writing assignment.  
I will check for 
grammar and conventions.  
My students have a minimum of 25 words 
when writing a comment.
My rule.
Here are the topics that students may choose from:
Animals, Art, Book Reviews, Education
Entertainment, Fashion
Food & Health, Inspiration
National news
News you can use
Odd news, Opinion, Science 
Sports, Technology
World news

Articles are added almost daily so there is always something
fresh for the students to read.


Check out this TweenTribune review from Common Sense Media:
(Common Sense Media-We rate, educate, and advocate for
kids, families, and schools)
Parents need to know that the mission of TWEENTRIBUNE is to get 
young readers to follow the news. 
There are age-appropriate sections for kids, tweens, and teens. 
The content runs the gamut from educational to fluffy, 
with substantial coverage of celebrities and brands. 
Comments are moderated.

Now it’s your turn to link-up and share your wonderful websites
or apps that you are using in your classroom!

Happy Wednesday!