Workshop Wednesday: Teaching Geometry

Happy Wednesday! Just a few more school days til Spring Break for me! :o)

This week in Workshop Wednesday, we are sharing something we use to teach geometry in Math Workshop! I am excited to share something super fun with you! As I’ve shared with you before, my math stations consist of activities that review what we have already learned so that they should be successful at whatever they are working on. We actually finished geometry a couple of weeks ago, so when I came across this fabulous geometry menu from my friend Elizabeth at Fun in Room 4B, I knew it would be perfect for my class! I love the variety of activities it offers! :o)

We started it last week and just finished it up this week. The students must “spend” at least $10 to complete their meal (from the menu) and the best part of that is “AT LEAST!” So two days in, when a couple of my kids said, “I’m done.” I asked, “you finished the whole menu?? Wow! You’ve been busy!” They looked at me like I was crazy. I said, “oooooh you mean you have spent $10… well there are plenty of other things to spend money on! The sky is the limit! You have unlimited spending!” Hee hee! :o)

Here are some of the activities my kids worked on:

 {writing geometry poems}
 {math literature: The Greedy Triangle}
 {making a game with gameboard that can be played later!}
 {creating a “quiz” with geometry terms}
{making a collage with parallel/perpendicular lines in pictures}
**bonus points for finding UGA items! Ha!**

Some of my kids have actually asked me if they can work on their geometry menu at recess. WHAT?!?! That’s success right there. :o) Thanks for this great menu, Elizabeth! I have used menus in other subjects before and they really are great for letting the kids not only have choice, but also to get out of the “same ol’ routine” we sometimes get in.

So, I know, I’ve been HORRIBLE at letting you know what the next week’s Workshop Wednesday topic will be… I’m going to start telling you in the Workshop Wednesday post… which means I have to plan a week in advance! EEK! Ha! Soooo if you read a Workshop Wednesday post from here on, and I haven’t told you the next week’s topic, get onto me in the comments! :o) Someone’s gotta hold me accountable. LOL

Next week, we are sharing how we integrate SCIENCE into Reading Workshop! We’ve shared Social Studies before, so let’s give poor Science some equal treatment. :o)

But first…