Workshop Wednesday: Reading Groups Organization

Forgive me in this post, as I was a bad planner-aheader. (Yeah, I just made that a word.) 😛

Honestly, when I walked out of my classroom on Friday, today was not on my mind in any way other than, “SPRING BREEEEEEEEEAK!” So I did not know my topic yet that day… which means I did not take any pictures. So for today’s topic… Reading Workshop: how do you stay organized with your guided reading groups? (you might discuss how you organize anecdotal notes, who is in the group, or even lesson plans) I will be telling you the kinds of things I do and trying to find some pictures out on the internet that give you an idea of what it looks like. 🙂

First up, my anecdotal notes. Sometimes, these occur during group, sometimes I take a day (or two) and spend time going around while they are independently reading and have a conference with them. I use these labels so whether I’m at my table or on the floor with them, I’m not having to carry my binder, flipping around through pages trying to find their page. I can take my notes and then just stick the label on their page later.

This was a Beth Newingham idea that I stole liked and borrowed. Don’t you just love her?? Click here to download (and edit) her labels.

Keeping up with who is in my group is easy-peezy! Unfortunately, I can’t find a picture online to show you… but I think you’ll still get it! I use a file folder and mini sticky notes. Each child gets a sticky note with their name and current reading level. I line them up in columns based on how I want to pull them. Sometimes, they are grouped by reading level, but sometimes they are pulled based on strategies they need. Using this method, I can move the sticky notes around easily. If a child gets a new level, I can just change their sticky note without having to re-write or re-print a whole chart with everyone!

When I taught in the lower grades, I did a really good job keeping lesson plans for each group. Now that I’m in the older grades, I try to just use teachable moments as we read our chapter books because there are SO many things that can be covered and I feel comfortable doing it that way. I also like to use books I’m familiar with, that I’ve read with groups before, so I know what those teachable moments are! 🙂

Now it’s your turn! Make sure to grab the button and link back to this post!! :o)
