Workshop Wednesday: Math Websites

It’s time for another Workshop Wednesday! And guess what? I’m unveiling my new button! 🙂 Since my linky party seems to be a success (and hopefully will be around for quite some time!), I wanted to make a button that was a little more “me.” Are you ready…?


Ok so really, you don’t need to keep it this size when you grab it for your link-up, but I wanted you to see all the cute little details! 😉 I had so much fun creating it actually… I am considering offering my services to others who might need buttons!! Just give me a holler! :o)

Ok, so now on to business! This week, we are sharing our favorite websites that are our “go-to sources” for math. It can be to show what the kids use, or for you as a resource! I’m going to share one of both!

First, my site for teachers:

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has a GREAT website called Illuminations. It has 607 lesson plans available for you to view- some are interactive with online activities, too!

You can narrow your search by grade level and standard.

The online activities are great for the kiddos to access, too! You can find them through the lessons or you can just go to them by clicking “Activities” at the top left of the page. I found this one recently that I REALLY wish I had used during our division unit when I taught partial quotients:

 The kids start by setting the number of aliens and the number of waffles they will divide among them to eat.

Then, they go through step by step- I plugged in numbers my lower students might have picked to show you how it works… It asks them how many waffles they each get (I said 7 first), then prompts them to figure out by multiplying how many waffles they ate so far (35 if they each ate 7), followed by a prompt to subtract to see how many waffles are still left. This would have been so great for those kiddos that struggle to remember the steps!

They can continue choosing new problems for practice, or reset it to try a new way with the same problem. Pretty cool, huh?

My site for students that I LOVE and the kids totally ADORE is Education City. Unfortunately, this is not a free site, but we are lucky enough to have a subscription for it. If you don’t have it at your school, it is definitely worth it! The program’s animations are so amazing, which is why the kiddos love it. They stay so engaged the whole time, they think they are just playing a fun game. But… muahahaha! <evil laugh> They are learning!!!!

The site is for Pre-K through 6th grades and also ELL students, and it covers the subjects: Math, Language Arts, and Science! There’s also something called “Play Live” that the kids get so stinkin’ excited about. The kids join into rooms where they compete against each other or kids from other schools in math facts- kind of like speed tests!

These are just a few of the math games for 4th grade- they are all aligned to the Common Core and as I said, all extremely interactive. They go to space, Granny’s house, the golf course, the soccer field… the list goes on and on.

There are so many more sites I could share honestly, but this post is long enough, and I know you all have amazing sites to share too! :o) So what are your favorite go-to math sites? Link up below! Don’t forget to grab my (NEW!) button and link back to this post from your blog post!
