Workshop Wednesday: Math Games Revisited

Welcome to Workshop Wednesday! Today, we are sharing our favorite math games we use in the classroom. Math games are so great because the kids WANT to do math when it’s fun!

The game I’m going to share with you today can be found as a freebie in my store! Click below to download it!

We are working on division strategies now, so I taught them this game this week. It’s great to teach them to understand remainders, as well as work on divisibility rules! We played as a class first – me against the class.

The students are given a starting number, then the goal is to choose a divisor that is NOT going to divide evenly. They want to have leftovers, or remainders, because those are their points. So, for example, you see I chose to divide 42 by 4 because I knew 4×10 was 40, so there would be a remainder of 2.

In past years when I’ve played this, my kids have done great playing it with just what they know… but my class this year is very different than other years, so I decided to change it up a little this year. This year, I had my students use unifix cubes to make their “groups” so they could actually see what they were dividing, as well as see what their “leftovers” were. Those leftover cubes became how they counted points instead of keeping a running tally, as I suggested on the directions page.

I encouraged the students to make “groups of” the number they were dividing by and then counting the number of equal groups they made. 

If you are interested in more activities for teaching division, check out my Common Core Aligned 4th Grade Division Unit!

What games do you love to teach your students for math? Please share! Remember, when you link up, please link to blog posts- not direct store links please! Feel free to share about how you use your products in the classroom in your post though, and link to those products in your post if you’d like! :o)
