Workshop Wednesday: Integrating Science into Reading

Happy Wednesday! It is a happy Wednesday indeed for me because it is my Spring Break! :o) Today for Workshop Wednesday, we are sharing how we integrate Science into Reading Workshop. And you know me…… I love a good mentor text!! So, I’m going to give you a variety of mentor texts in this post that you can use which also align with science topics.
These texts I’m going to share with you will go perfectly with the items in the awesome Intermediate Science Bundle on Educents! Some of my BBBs and I teamed up with Educents to get you a great deal on some fun Science products!
First up, Sabra from Teaching with a Touch of Twang created a fun pack called Cooking with Science as well as a Scoot Game for Physical and Chemical Changes. She made the work easy for me because she already included a literature connection! Use a book from one of my favorite authors, Eric Carle, called Pancakes, Pancakes, and identify the physical and chemical changes that occur as you make pancakes!
Nick from Sweet Rhyme – Pure Reason included an awesome Scoot game to teach about Ecosystems and Biomes. What are Earth’s Biomes is a fun book to use to introduce kiddos to biomes- and it has REAL photos of the biomes and animals. You could have them practice taking notes about each biome and give examples of plants and animals in each!
Nick also has a Human Body Lapbook included in the bundle! You could use one of my favorites, Parts, to have them identify which body system the boy thinks he is losing parts from!
Jessica from I {Heart} Recess also included two products in the bundle! Her first is a Rocks and Minerals Interactive Notebook. I used to LOVE teaching this when I taught third grade! One of my favorite books I always used in reading and writing along with my science unit was If You Find a Rock. It’s a beautifully written book full of figurative language and descriptive language!
Jessica’s second product in the bundle is a Light Interactive Notebook. I teach this in 4th grade, and even though this book is very simple, it is a great way to introduce your students to light, and it ties into our solar system unit a bit, too! The book Day Light, Night Light teaches how the sun, the stars, and light bulbs make light so we can see!
Speaking of the solar system, my friends Amanda and Stacia from Collaboration Cuties have included two of their products in this bundle as well- one is a Student Solar System Book. We loooooove Postcards from Pluto and their book is perfect to fill in information about the planets as you read it!
The girls’ other product goes with The Moon Book! This is a fabulous book with great information and illustrations, and you’ll want to read the book a few times to get in all of the activities in Collaboration Cuties’ unit that go along with it. 
And the last item in the bundle is my Weather Interactive Notebook! There are so many great books about weather, but my favorite is What Will The Weather Be? because it goes into fronts in a kid-friendly way (along with other things), which is a pretty hard concept for them!
I hope these book ideas are helpful for your science integration, especially if you are grabbing the Educents Science Bundle – right now it is only $10.99 from Educents which is about 65% off! If you have never purchased from Educents before click here to sign up!

Next week, we are going to share how we have students research and/or write biographies in Writing Workshop! :o)

Now it’s your turn to share!