Workshop Wednesday: Historical Fiction

Welcome to another Workshop Wednesday! We are sharing about how we use historical fiction in our Reading Workshop! I usually write my post on Tuesday and schedule it to post on Wednesday so that you can link up anytime… but we had a little excitement here yesterday!! It started at school………
It’s not often you get to have a snowball fight with your friends at school in Georgia!! 
We were not released early… I made it home safely, and so did my students, but there were so many in the metro-Atlanta area that didn’t and ended up stranded on the icy roads and even spending the night AT SCHOOL. For all of my friends that live in the north and can’t believe this happened with 2 inches of snow… believe it. 
It’s like The Walking Dead… every interstate is gridlocked, and people are STILL stuck… it’s so scary!!
But this was the scene at my house…
It was Timmy’s first snow! He loved it!
This is my front yard and the street in front of my house- with about half an inch of ice on it. 
I will NOT be going anywhere!
So now, onto Workshop Wednesday. :o)

I LOVE this book! It shows the kiddos that KIDS were even important in the Revolutionary War! In this book, Maddy Rose becomes a spy to help her brother, who is fighting in the war, by using a secret code on her clothesline. The clothesline actually informs him about the boats in the harbor.

Two of my BBBs have awesome units for this book! I was able to use part of Collaboration Cuties’ Unit yesterday:

…we were going to do some more with the book buuuuut we are not in school. Jessica from I {Heart} Recess has a fun unit too with some Smartboard games and even some Revolutionary War task cards!

I use the book for my mini-lessons all week, and then they work on the skill during their independent reading. For example, we found three traits Maddy Rose displayed, and then they had to do the same in their own book (finding one trait and using evidence to support it). We would have done the same thing with vocabulary and context clues today.
