Currently AND Workshop Wednesday: Favorite Reading Group Book!

Yay for Wednesday!!! And oh my goodness… hooray for MAY! I can’t believe it’s ALREADY May! Linking up with Farley!!

If you missed yesterday’s post, make sure to go check it out- there’s a “pin it to win it” giveaway on the new frames I made! :o) Now onto my favorite part of Wednesday!!

Today, we are sharing our favorite books to read with our reading groups! Although it was difficult to choose just one, I managed!

The book I chose to share today is There’s A Boy In The Girl’s Bathroom.

This is another book that I LOVED when I was in elementary school. My boys also LOVE this book, which is always a plus with fourth graders… The main character is a boy: Bradley Chalkers. Bradley is repeating 5th grade. He’s a troublemaker, a liar, and a bully. The new school counselor, Carla, seems to be the only one who sees any good in him. And even though Bradley has such bad behavior, you really feel for him and begin to see why he acts the way he does. It definitely stirs emotion. This book is so wonderful for teaching how a character changes, as well as theme. Another thing I love about reading this book with a group is that it reminds me I should strive to be like Carla (the counselor). She strives to see the good in everyone. My favorite quote from the book comes when Bradley draws a monster, which is really a representation of him: 
Bradley ends up drawing a red heart on the monster’s chest to show the good that was in him. He also decides to stop believing he is a monster so others would stop believing it too. He changes for the better. There is still a bit of a twist at the end, but I won’t give it away if you haven’t read it! I highly encourage you to read this with one of your reading groups! It won’t disappoint!
I can’t wait to see what books you love to read with your groups! I love to get new ideas- it’s easy to get stuck reading the same books each year. 
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