Workshop Wednesday!

What is your must-have in Writer’s Workshop? In other words, your Writer’s Workshop would not be successful without… <fill in the blank>.
**Even if you don’t feel it’s a formal “Workshop” – you can share whatever you use that you can’t live without! Others can incorporate it into their “workshops!” You can link up anytime before next Wednesday, when we’ll have a new topic!**

In my room, my kiddos have two things that we use consistently.

Their Writer’s Collection Notebook is used for almost everything. It is a composition notebook where they collect ideas to write about, where they take notes or do activities that go along with my mini-lessons, and where they brainstorm for their writing pieces. It keeps me from going insane with papers falling out of a folder or getting lost…!

This is an idea I stole borrowed from another teacher a few years ago. I give all of my students a yellow legal pad to do their rough drafts. I like for them to skip lines on their drafts for editing and revising purposes later, so I love these because the sheets are bigger and they aren’t “wasting” as much paper by skipping lines. The kids can keep up with what is a rough draft and what is a final by the color…and, the kids love it because it’s “different.”

You know you’re a teacher when……………….

being given a book like this excites you! I will be leading some Literacy Professional Development this summer, so the Language Arts Office bought all the leaders this book! I can’t wait to get in it! I bet it will improve my Writer’s Workshop too with all the awesome information that is in it! I love Lucy Calkins. 🙂

I can’t wait to see what you all use in your Writer’s Workshop!!

Please grab this image and link back to this post when you link up!! 🙂
