When Spring Break Is Over…

My Spring Break is coming to an end today, which means my school year is also coming to an end… only 29 school days left for us!

When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.

Unfortunately, that also means all consistency and sense of normalcy goes out the window… so take deep breaths and prepare yourself for some things!

First up for us…

Standardized Testing
When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.
This is what we wish we could do, yes? 
But, let’s all be professional and pass out the test booklets one at a time… and get ready to walk!
When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.
Don’t be a testing anomaly…Wear comfortable shoes!
Oh and the hormones?? What happens to these kids in springtime??

You’re too young, kids.
When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.
And by this time of year, if they aren’t kissing, they’re fighting. 
When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.
Can’t we all just get along?!?!

And we know, this time of year…

EVERYTHING is a distraction…
When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.
Oh yes… and then my favorite day? 
Field Day
When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.
…where all the non-athletic kids have to participate in athletic events.
When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.
Warm, pretty days
makes everything harder…
Lesson planning and grading?
When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.
Alarm in the morning?
When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.
As difficult as these things might be, it’s just like ripping off a band-aid. Just do it and get it over with.
And remember… 
Summer is almost here!
When spring break is over humor with Ideas by Jivey.