Very Important Info About Your TPT Free Downloads!

Hello friends! I am blogging today to tell you some very important information about changes that have been made to TPT. They aren’t bad changes at all, but it’s something that us sellers want you to know about…

As you know, providing feedback on purchases AND freebies is equally important to sellers. Not only is it polite to show that you are grateful, but it helps us know we’ve done something you like and we should continue! Or, of course, use it if you need to provide constructive criticism…

However, when you download freebies now, instead of getting the option to immediately leave feedback, TPT shows you some other items you might like, too- which makes sense because you can’t really leave feedback until you use it, right?

BUT it’s important to remember to go back and leave feedback once you have used it! How do you do that? How will you ever remember? Well, TPT made it easy! First, go to your purchases:

Then, click on the Free Downloads tab!

Last, click on the “provide feedback” link under the product name. Remember, the more you show sellers you love our freebies, the more motivated we are to keep making freebies for you!

And hey- check out this great tip from Diane at Fifth in the Middle! If you want to make sure you’ve left feedback on everything, you can sort your downloads!

Now, what if you downloaded a freebie and realized it wasn’t really what you thought and you aren’t going to use it? No harm, no foul! You didn’t pay for it, so no loss for you, right? There is no need to tell the seller this- remember, feedback is given after you’ve used it. But please try to remember to leave some love when you DO use it. Here is an example of why I say this:

Almost 7,000 people downloaded this freebie, and 34 people rated it. Now, did 6,857 people download and actually use it? Probably not. But odds are, more than 34 people did. It’s okay if you don’t remember to go in right away and leave feedback- but when you go leave feedback on paid products (gotta get those credits!!) go ahead in to your freebies and leave some love on those, too!

And hey, if you don’t want something in your free downloads list anymore, just click that little green X on the right of the item in the list that says “remove.”

And last but not least, here is a tip about your purchased products and freebies- sometimes, sellers make mistakes. And SOMETIMES, they add to the product you’ve already gotten. When either of these things happens, they mark the file as revised. But if you are like me and have a bunch of things in your lists, you might not see those revisions right away… so you also want to sort by “Recently Revised” every now and then and check to see what you might be missing!

Please spread the word to all of those you know who download from TPT! :o)