Tried It Tuesday: Winter Treat Bags

Ack! I have been a horrible blogger! Goodness gracious. The holiday season has taken over, for sure!!

I wanted to share something I’ve “tried” the last couple of years with my class, and of course link up to my BBB, Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper!

We all know how FABULOUS {insert sarcasm} students’ behavior can be before Winter Break… filled with excitement and SUGAR, it seems self-control can be lacking those last couple weeks… so I give my students a little incentive. I send a letter home to parents right around Thanksgiving asking for contributions of SMALL items (think dollar store, Target Dollar Spot, etc). Then, the last 12 days before Winter Break (I call it the Twelve Days of Good Behavior LOL), if they have been “good” that day (meaning, they aren’t on anything below green for the day), they get a treat in their treat bag! I have done little stockings for each child before, but this year, I just had them decorate a paper lunch bag (which I think they liked better anyway!).

The kids really get into it, and then they love being able to take home a bag full of treats on the last day, too! And I can tell you, I can see an improvement in behavior… it makes me want to do treat bags at other times of the year- like before Spring Break!! Maybe I’ll try it! 🙂

Don’t forget to come link up tomorrow with your seasonal writing ideas for Workshop Wednesday!! 🙂