Tried It Tuesday: TAG Peer Review, and PIN it to WIN it!!

Hey friends! Time to link up with my friend Holly for Tried It Tuesday!

This is actually something I’m GOING to try this week, so I’ll update you Friday on how it goes. My friend AMC at Looking From Third to Fourth clued me in to this awesome resource, and I can’t wait to use it!

It is a FREE resource over at Teacher’s Notebook- click here to grab it!

I was really hoping to get to it today with my kiddos and share with you how it went….. but we all know how that goes sometimes. But I LOVE that it allows peer editing to be more than just, “that was a good story,” or listing everything that is wrong. It makes them really think about their peers’ papers, and keeps it pretty positive all along! I’m going to use the record sheet that has two boxes next to each letter so that students can get two peers to review their narrative piece. We’re hoping to be done with our narrative this week!!

Sooooo guess what? I finished my Knots on a Counting Rope Unit last night! 🙂 Of course, there are so many more ideas that have been flying through my head now that I finished that I might just have to revise the unit and add more to it. :o)

I’m going to give away one unit here and one unit over on Facebook for those that PIN it to WIN it!! All you need to do is visit the product in my store (click the link or the image to go there) and click the “Pin It” button at the top left above the title of the product! Then copy/paste the link in a comment on this post! AAAAND you can pin it on ANOTHER board and play on Facebook too!! (They must be two separate pins, please.)

Congrats to Megan Marske for winning Pin It to Win It! 🙂

Lastly, I must share that I was not chosen as my school’s Teacher of the Year, but my good friend and WONDERFUL teacher and colleague was chosen, so I’m soooo happy for her! Maybe next year….. :o) Thank you for all of the well wishes and support that you all gave, and continue to give me- I truly appreciate all of my readers. Y’all are awesome! 🙂 🙂 You make me feel special every day. 🙂