Tried It Tuesday: Persuaded by Ponce de Leon!

Hello my fabulous followers! 🙂 I’m linking up with my sweet friend Holly for Tried It Tuesday to share a fun activity we did today!

One of my awesome teammates had a worksheet that gave directions to create a brochure to persuade people to join Ponce de Leon’s crew for the search for the Fountain of Youth. We are studying good ol’ “Poncey” (as I like to call him) as well as opinion and persuasive writing, so this would be the perfect thing to do right? Welllllll as we started working, following the directions on the sheet, MY STUDENTS realized (and I was so proud of them for it!) that it was asking them to encourage people to join their crew by drawing a picture of FLORIDA, which was still unknown land- Ponce de Leon named Florida when he arrived there ON HIS JOURNEY. Soooo, you know how us teachers have to be quick on our feet! I decided to have them create a brochure advertising a return trip to Florida in search for the Fountain of Youth, which actually made it better for persuasion because they had to convince people that even though he didn’t find it the first time, he was certain he knew where it was this time! They had a really great time creating it and sharing ideas of persuasive catch phrases they could use!

I had to hang them in the hall, of course. 🙂

Here are two of my favorite brochures that were made, although they were ALL super!

How clever was she?? We spent time talking about how conquistadors were always in search of gold, so she threw that in with her Fountain of Youth plea too. 🙂
Check out his paragraphs under his map! I told them to describe his ACTUAL first journey, and then tell how the journey will be different this time (and use that to convince people to join you)- he did a GREAT JOB!!

If you study exploration at all, this is a fun idea you could do with any of the explorers! 🙂

Check out Diane’s linky for more Explorer ideas!!


Oh yeah, PS… I forgot to let you in on the Workshop Wednesday topic for tomorrow, but it’s a really good one so I hope you’ll still link up!! We will be revisiting math games! We’ve shared games before but there are just so many great games, I thought we should share some more! 🙂