Tried It Tuesday: Amazon Prime

Thanks to my Workshop Wednesday linky and the Mentor Texts linky by Collaboration Cuties… my “need” to purchase books has grown exponentially! So I have decided to try Amazon Prime!

I absolutely adore books anyway, but being able to get them two days after I order them….? Um, YES PLEASE!!!

I ordered these books on Saturday, and when I got home yesterday, there was my smiley box from Amazon! I can’t wait to share with you how I’m using them! :o) We are about to start Persuasive/Opinion Writing and we’ll be using The Day the Crayons Quit to start it! It will be a good change from the books I always use (not that those aren’t good)!

Speaking of writing…. don’t forget to come back tomorrow and link up with Workshop Wednesday!

We are sharing: Getting Workshop Started in the Classroom! Share about reading, writing, or math workshops!