I can’t believe that December 7th was my last post. I have been a very bad, bad blogger!! One of my goals for the new year is to take more pictures in the classroom and blog more- so hopefully, this blog will get more love! :o)
I’m linking up today with a fellow Georgia Peach- Teachery Tidbits, to share my Top 10 Insta Pics!
To get this information, I visited a website called Iconosquare (only because you have to pay for the app on your phone to get all access, plus, I blog from my computer) – it takes a few minutes for the site to gather all of your statistics but then, it gives you more information than you could probably ever want to know! LOL
(You follow me on Instagram, right? @ideasbyjivey)
So, without further ado, here are my top 10 pics based on likes and comments!
1/28/2014- Tagged by @collaborationcuties – I’m trying to GET HOME!!! We didn’t release early and the traffic is insane. I have a good inch of snow on my car! that is #widn – how about you @pinkadotselementary and @elizabethsupan? |
Oh yes, that was the start of Snowpocalypse, 2014!
6/15/2014- Sooooo excited to unveil this in the VERY near future!! It’s been a work in progress for a long time! #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram #tpt |
I started this product during the school year and finally finished this summer! You can get it here if you haven’t already!
4/3/2014 – I mean really. There’s just no need to be ugly and rude. #tpt #netiquette #nastygramshurt #feedback |
Feedback is soooo important to sellers- we want to make sure what we’ve created is helpful and useful… but there certainly is a way to leave constructive criticism without being hurtful and nasty! I sure do appreciate all of the wonderful, supportive, loving followers that I have gained this year!
7/12/2014- My first wedding shower was in Vegas with 9 of my best bloggy friends!! How awesome is that?! Thanks to @headoverheelsforteaching and@collaborationcuties for coordinating such a fun time! |
As if being in Vegas wasn’t awesome enough, I had my first wedding shower, too!! :o)
11/9/2014- So excited to share the big news- and technically, it’s now Sunday so I can share it! I reached a new #TPT milestone! To celebrate, I’m having a sale on all of my mentor sentence products AND a daily exclusive freebie! #celebrate #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram #iteachtoo |
Reaching a milestone in 2013 was awesome- reaching yet another milestone in 2014 was something I never dreamed would happen! I had so much fun celebrating this one, too!
10/26/2014- Look who is in the #tpt newsletter?! Yippee!! #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram #ideasbyjivey |
Totally awesome! It was a great surprise to see myself in the TPT newsletter! You can still download this freebie!
9/26/2014- #todayisaid …was there a full moon?? Becauuuuuuse whoa. What a day. #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers |
Ha! Yeah, this one was a treat. We had been learning about explorers and the reasons they explored… so she decided to spread her own treasure…….
7/30/2014- Treats for Meet Your Teacher Day tomorrow! #smarties #byesummer #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers |
My kids loved their little treat- you can download this freebie from my store to use in your classroom, too!
7/23/2014- Well, at least I made a dent… Also, I just got rid of my teacher desk. It was just a catch all for crap anyways!! So now I need to redo shelves and I suppose I’ll have to get a teacher toolbox!!! #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers |
You know teachers love seeing other teachers’ rooms- guess that’s why this pic was #2!!
1/1/2014- It’s been QUITE a magical trip!!!! 🙂 #disney #foundmyprince |
It’s really no surprise that this picture was my #1! :o) Our wedding will finally be this year, probably late spring!
You can go link up with Natalie and see other teachers’ top 10 pics, too!