Thursday Throw Down: Poem Imitations

Yay! I’m linking up with one of my favorite people ever- Erin from I’m Lovin Lit!

I wanted to share an interactive strategy I’m using to work on poetry with my students this year. We’ve been reading Love That Dog and analyzing the same poems that the boy’s class in the book had been.

I lifted part of a poem Jack had written (the main character in the book) for my students to “notice” things:

My street is
on the edge
of a city
and it has
quiet music
most of the time
They, of course, noticed the use of onomatopoeia right away- but also noticed that it was free verse, it was full of prepositional phrases (yay!!! since we’ve been working on that!!), and that it was a compound sentence. Then I had them imitate (just like we do for Mentor Sentences) and make their own free verse poems with onomatopoeia… and they ROCKED it!! Check them out:
This student AMAZED me – he usually struggles to get anything down on paper, but he rocked this one! (We have been learning about the Solar System, too, so double score!!)
So, he forgot the “is” but I thought it was still so creative! 🙂
I told this student I was going to tell his parents about this one. Hee hee!
There were so many awesome ones, honestly, I could have posted a ton more, but you probably would have quit reading. 😛 Do you do anything interactive for poetry? I’d love to hear your ideas! :o)