Text Dependent Questions with Annotations

I am excited to share about some things we’ve been doing with close reading and text dependent questions in my classroom. Many of you probably remember my blog post about annotating (if not, read it here). My kids have become annotating experts now!

Lately, I have been “trying” to give them a focus for their annotating with text dependent questions. We’ve especially been focusing on the “top of the pyramid” grappling with understanding what the text we are reading really means.

Text dependent questions with annotations witth Ideas by Jivey.

In Social Studies, we have been learning about the Founding Fathers and how they built our nation’s government, so I used my George Washington passage from my February and March Themed Paired Texts.

I wanted the students to think about what kind of person George Washington was using the evidence given- in other words, they needed to infer based on what was written in the passage. They did such a great job! Here are some of their inferences:

Text dependent questions with annotations witth Ideas by Jivey.
Text dependent questions with annotations witth Ideas by Jivey.
background and clip art from the fabulous Teaching Super Power!


I also have to share this amazing resource I found searching for examples of text dependent stems!!

I love having a bunch of possible questions I can ask about a text without having to rack my brain for them. This resource by Beth Burke has been a lifesaver for all types of question stems!

Text dependent Stems by Beth Burke with Ideas by Jivey
Text dependent Stems by Beth Burke with Ideas by Jivey
Text dependent Stems by Beth Burke with Ideas by Jivey

It is a free resource- definitely go grab it if you do close reading in your room! :o)

Read PART 2 here!