
Testing Treats and Treats for YOU!

We are about to be in FULL TESTING MODE here in Ms. Ivey’s class. Desks separated, walls covered… the whole nine yards. To get the kids excited (as if, right?) I leave them a testing treat and note to find each morning on their desk. They keep the treat for when the test is completely done, so then they have something to look forward to! If you would like to use the testing treat notes I am using this year, you can download them for free! They go with Nerds, gum, Dum-Dums, Starburst, and Skittles. This one is my favorite:

Testing treat notes with Ideas by Jivey

I threaten tell the kids they MUST use their scratch paper on the math section of the test! It makes me crazy when I see kids trying to do math in their head!

**Because of testing, Workshop Wednesday is not happening this week!!**

The kids aren’t the only ones who deserve treats! You do, too!!

Make sure to check out the blog hop my BBBs and I have running for tips on how to survive the rest of the year, with freebies AND chances to win TPT cash or a Classroom Friendly Supplies Sharpener!

Also, be sure to head over to Emily or AMC‘s blogs! They are having a fantastic giveaway as they both just reached 1,000 followers!