Teachers Helping Teachers!

I am so lucky to have met so many friends through blogging and TPT. There are several of us that have become very close, and we call each other our BBBs-best blogging buddies! It was super hard to choose just one that I wanted to highlight for being a support system and an inspiration to me, because they are all so wonderful!! But since I was lucky enough to just recently visit Boston on a short trip and got to meet Theresa from Pinkadots Elementary, I chose to pay it forward to her!

She is one of the most positive, energetic, creative people I know! I love to see what is going on in her classroom, and get her feedback on how things are going in mine. She is a great listener and just an all around fabulous BBB! She also got me hooked on Cheryl’s cookies. If you have never heard of this company, oh my gosh. RUN. They are fabulous!

Inspired by Theresa from Pinkadots Elementary with Ideas by Jivey

She will be receiving a surprise in the mail very soon this week from Cheryl’s! :o)

If you want to celebrate a teacher that has impacted you, head over to Layla’s blog and link up! We’d love to see you pay it forward, too! :o)