Teacher Appreciation Sale and Fabulous Feedback!

Happy Monday!

In case you haven’t heard, there is a little sale happening tomorrow and Wednesday on TPT! πŸ™‚

Everything in my store will be on sale 20% off, plus enter the promo code TAD13 at checkout and get an additional 10% off! Let me tell you, my cart is ready and waiting…! And I have my feedback credits all saved up, too! πŸ˜›

Thanks so much to those of you that took advantage of Friday Feedback Frenzy (all weekend, hehe!) – your comments and ratings are what keeps me creating, and they help us TPT sellers become more “established!” I want to take the time to link up with Christina at Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge to celebrate you, my buyers!!

We all like to be praised, don’t we? I think that’s the best part about having the option to leave feedback on our products. Although sometimes we might get some criticism, if we can reflect on that feedback and decide if it’s really valid, we can make our products even better!! Then, of course, there’s feedback that can turn any bad day into a good day. TPT buyers are REALLY why TPT sellers love to do what we do- it’s awesome knowing that others are able to benefit from what we create! Here are some examples of feedback that have made me so very happy to do what I do!!

These comments came from my Mentor Sentence Unit! You all have been so kind in your comments, it was hard to choose only two-  it makes me so happy to know that I can help others with my resources!

Click to see this product in my store!

These next comments came from my Fractions Units and my Decimals Unit:

This feedback makes me happy because it tells WHY they love it and what made it a great product for their classroom! Since so many buyers were buying several of my math units, I decided to bundle them to make it easier to download (and save you money)!

Click to see this product in my store!

Of course, you can still get all my math units separately, as well. :o) If you click on the bundle above, the individual links are in the product description. I also have bundled my Place Value, Multiplication, and Division Units: click here to visit the Numbers and Operations Bundle, which also has all of those separate units linked, as well.

Thank you so much to everyone who has left feedback! :o) If your feedback was highlighted in this post, email me (je**********@gm***.com) with an item from my store valued at $5 or less, and I’ll send it to you for free! πŸ™‚

Now, if your wishlist and/or cart is not long enough yet, be sure to check out these bloggy friends below! Click their button to go to their blog, or the links below the buttons to visit their stores!

Lucky to Be in First     The Teacher Wife

Primary Junction   

TPT Stores:

Happy wishlisting and shopping!! :o)
P.S. Workshop Wednesday this week is focused on Writing!
Let’s share those “tricks we have up our sleeves” for getting kids motivated to write! Common Core has such an emphasis on writing ALL the time, so how do you keep the kids energized to write?