Spring Break Monday!

Hi friends! It was so nice not to have to wake up to an alarm this morning!! 🙂
(Except for my two 4-legged alarms…)
Finally SPRING BREAK feels like it’s REALLY here!!!!

I am linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It and Classroom Freebies for Manic Monday for my freebie today…….

Some of y’all know, I’m a font addict. When I got my iPad, iFontMaker may or may not have been the FIRST app I downloaded… 😛

I still love using everyone else’s fonts, but think it is so cool that I can make my own, too! So today, I want to share one of my fonts with you: Jivey Cuddles!

You can click the images above or HERE and download it for free from my TPT store! Please leave feedback when you download!

Don’t forget to come back on Wednesday and link up for Workshop Wednesday! This week’s topic will be for Reading Workshop: how do you stay organized with your guided reading groups? (you might discuss how you organize anecdotal notes, who is in the group, or even lesson plans) Click the link or the button below to visit previous Workshop Wednesday posts!

Last, I wanted to share about some great giveaways!! Make sure you go enter these babies- you can’t win if you don’t play!!
 The Wild Rumpus