Sparking Student Motivation… with FOOD!

I’m linking up with Joanne today from Head Over Heels for Teaching! I’m so glad she’s back in the bloggy world from her Disney Cruise! 😛

I have a couple motivators to share with you today. :o) The first is… FOOD! The sweeter the better, although they don’t mind salties either. 😛

We did this activity on Friday for M&M Math Day on our ABC Countdown Calendar. I gave each group 100 M&Ms and they practiced fractions and decimals! They wrote the fraction and decimal of each set, compared sets, added sets as decimals, and made models/arrays of the sets. AND NOT ONE COMPLAINED! In fact, they were all helping each other, getting along, staying on task… because they knew they got to eat their M&Ms when they were done! 🙂

You can find this activity in my 4th Grade Common Core Aligned Decimals Unit!

*sidenote* I also just recently bundled all of my math units! The units are my best sellers in my store… and it will save you money to buy the bundles! You know… just in case there was a sale coming and you needed some math resources… :o) If you want to check them out, click on the bundle pictures below!

Numbers and Operations Bundle
Fractions and Decimals Bundle
The second motivator I wanted to share with you today is a TEACHER motivator! 

Isn’t she wonderful?!? She is so right, too.

Go link up with Joanne to share your own motivators, and get some ideas from some other awesome bloggers about what they do in their classroom!

Also, don’t forget about my Friday Feedback Frenzy– happening all weekend! (Weekend Feedback Frenzy wasn’t alliterative enough for me… hee hee!)