Sparking Student Motivation: Water Cycle Bracelets AND WINNERS! :o)

I’m excited to link up with my BBB Joanne to share a fun activity we did on Friday that was DEFINITELY a fun motivator (and also might have sent me over the edge a bit LOL).

We made Water Cycle Bracelets!

I do this with my kiddos every year, but in the past, I’ve used pipe cleaners to save some hassle with tying string, etc… They aren’t as cute though. Wearing a pipe cleaner bracelet just isn’t as “cool.” So this year, I bought elastic string. If I hadn’t been so frazzled trying to help everyone, I would have taken pictures of the floor as at least 12 of my kiddos DROPPED one side of their string, dropping all of their beads… and most of them didn’t just drop it once. SIGH. Looks like we’ll go back to pipe cleaners next year. 😛

Joanne actually sent me the link to the Water Cycle Boogie when she found out we were making the bracelets. My kiddos don’t need to know about infiltration or transpiration, and I also didn’t buy brown beads, so I cut the song off under the dark blue bead. We sang the song (at least) three times as we made our bracelets- so everyone had the cycle three times on their string which almost wrapped most of their wrists without a lot of extra space- so they could see it really did keep “cycling.” Despite many of them having to recreate their bracelets, they said they still had a great time making them!

I had them draw their bracelet in their journal under the song so they could remember. They have to leave their bracelets at school each day until we take our Water Cycle Test so they have it as a reminder, then they can take them home. Most of them were excited to be able to wear them every day for a week or two!

Ok, ok… I know you are all chomping at the bit to find out the winners of My Favorite Things Giveaway! Thanks so much for being such wonderful followers. I wish I could choose even more winners!!

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