Sparking Student Motivation: Partner Picking

Aaaaaaah. Saturday. Always wonderful. Saturday after the last week of school? Oooooooh yeeeeeah!! (Sorry, I won’t rub it in anymore!)

Have you bought this bundle for Moore, OK yet? I donated to the bundle, and also bought it- there are over 500 products you’ll receive for a minimum of a $20 donation! I grabbed all the 3-5 items from the bundle and it will probably take me all summer to go through them!

Ok, now for a fun linky from my BBB, Joanne!

As teachers, I’m sure you all know students working with a partner is always more fun than students working alone. But if your kiddos are anything like mine, they want to work with the same partner every single time. But they DON’T want Ms. Ivey picking their partner for them… so I found a solution. Partner Picking Cards! There are many versions on TPT, but I love these and so do the kids- and they’re free! 🙂 Here are some examples of the cards from the download-

It’s a great way to randomize partners… I am happy because they are working with other kiddos, and they love finding their match, even if it’s not someone they would usually choose!

What are some ways you motivate your students? Go link up with Joanne at Head Over Heels For Teaching, and check out all the other great ideas while you’re there!

PS – I’m running another Daily Deal over at Teacher’s Notebook- this time on my Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Unit. Go check it out! 🙂