Sparking Student Motivation: (Free) Math Game!

Well, I’m a day late to Joanne’s party, but I know she’ll forgive me. :o)

I wanted to share about a free game that has been in my TPT store for a long time, but oldies are definitely goodies if you ask me! Kids LOVE math games!

Freebie Math Game with IDeas by JiveyFreebie Math Game with IDeas by Jivey

I am currently introducing my students to decimals in math. Make One Whole is a great game to help them understand that decimals are less than one whole, and that hundredths are smaller than tenths. I have my students use base ten blocks to represent their tenths and hundredths as well, so they can see the model as well as the number form.

Freebie Math Game with IDeas by Jivey

Above is an example where I helped a student a bit- she wanted to use her 6 as six hundredths, and we talked about how far away she would still be from one whole if she did that. She decided it would be a good idea to make tenths instead since she only had two turns left.

Freebie Math Game with IDeas by Jivey

This student made EXACTLY one whole in her game against her partner!!! I asked her if she rigged the die. Ha! I’d never actually seen a student do that until this year!

Go grab this game if you teach decimals- your kids will love it! And of course, I would love some feedback if you do use it! :o) Make sure to check out the other link-ups over on Joanne’s blog, too!