Sparking Science Motivation {Weather}

Science is such a fun subject to teach! The kids usually get very excited for science time too because I never “just read the science textbook.” We always do hands-on lessons, interactive notes, and of course, experiments!
I’m linking up with my BBB Joanne to give you some fun, motivating ideas for teaching weather!
You might remember I shared earlier in the school year how we made Water Cycle Bracelets. The kids really enjoyed this!
We also made water cycles in a bag!
And of course, we watched Bill Nye teach about the water cycle! Nothing more motivating than Bill Nye. ;o)

Finally… we used interactive notebook activities!
These interactive notebook activities are found in my Weather Interactive Notebook!
This set of interactive, engaging foldables is included in an awesome Intermediate Science Bundle on Educents! Some of my BBBs and I teamed up with Educents to get you a great deal on some fun Science products!
For a limited time it is $10.99 from Educents which is about 65% off! AND, through April 7, you can use the code ANNIVERSARY20 and get an additional 20% off! That’s nine instant downloads for less than $9! And I can personally tell you they are all awesome products because I have them already! :o)    
If you have never purchased from Educents before click here to sign up!

You can also take a peek at some of the other products included in the bundle at any of the links below!

Have fun teaching everyone!