Spark Student Motivation: Writing Notebooks

Good morning friends!! I’m linking up with one of my besties, Joanne, from Head Over Heels for Teaching to share an idea I borrowed that worked WONDERS on my students’ motivation to write. I wish I could tell you where I first heard of this idea, but I honestly can’t remember. I also wish I had original pictures of this idea, but once again, summer makes it impossible. 😛

So here are some examples of the motivational tip I am telling you about today! Personalizing writer’s notebooks! We have a registration day a few days before school starts where most students come to meet their teachers, and parents can fill out all the important paperwork. While parents are occupied with the paperwork, I let the students know I am giving them their first homework assignment. Most of them look at me with horror, “really?!? Homework on the last few days of summer??” But then I give them THIS.

Click to download this for FREE!
I promise the clip art looks better after you download it- I don’t know why Google discolored it!

As a suggestion from Lori, here is one for “older kids” that need a reminder to be appropriate:

They get very excited about this little “art project” I’ve assigned them! They REALLY get into it, too. Some of them glue pictures of their family, some use scrapbook stickers, some have pictures of their favorite celebrity, some draw pictures… they are all definitely very unique, which is the intention! When they bring them in, a parent volunteer and I sit down with them and wrap the covers in clear packing tape. This helps hold everything on AND it lasts ALL YEAR!

My students LOVE pulling their notebooks out to write in them. They like to show them off, too. :o) I hope this is an idea you will consider for your writer’s notebooks! I promise, your kids will love it!

Before I go, I do believe I promised some winners! :o)

Bubble Gum Day for 3rd and 4th Graders!

The winners of the Bubble Gum Day unit are:

Congratulations ladies! Check your email! :o)

Make sure to go check out the other great ideas to motivate students over at Joanne’s blog today! Have a great Saturday!