Some Grinchy Activities

Are you filling your days with fun seasonal activities like I am? We only have NINE days left of school before Winter Break (but who’s counting??) so I am really taking advantage of the holidays approaching!

One of my favorite stories (and the kids’ favorites too!) is How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I will be using it this week to cover adjectives, and I will use the song You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch to review figurative language!

We’ll review adjectives first– and I’m hoping to have them cut their own Grinch face and Santa hat- we can practice symmetry! They’ll glue them in their notebooks and list any adjectives that describe the Grinch…

In fourth grade, the students have to not only understand what adjectives ARE, but also how to order them in a sentence. Here is an activity I whipped up to cover this standard:

You can grab it for free by clicking above!! :o)

I also give the students a copy of the lyrics to You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch, and I play the video:

They highlight the similes and metaphors in the lyrics, and then choose one to draw literally. That is always the best part to them, and they come up with some of the funniest drawings- like the Grinch as a banana with a greasy black peel. :o)

I also want to encourage students to be NICE to each other this time of year, so we are going to “fill the Grinch with love!” When students show an act of kindness, the person who received the kindness will write it on a heart and hang it on the Grinch.

Since these are activities I will be doing this week, I want to link up to Mrs. Laffin’s Laughings!

Do you have any other ideas for me to use this week with the Grinch? I’d love to hear some new ideas! :o) Maybe you can even share them in this week’s Workshop Wednesday: all about seasonal reading ideas!