Social Studies Mentor Text: A River Ran Wild

Linking up with Amanda and Stacia tonight for Social Studies Mentor Texts!

The book I want to share with you is by Lynne Cherry. It’s called A River Ran Wild. It’s a gorgeous book, and it goes great with one of our Social Studies standards which has to do with how environment has changed over time due to human population growth (from the time of Native Americans in particular).

The book starts with Native Americans settling on the banks of the river. Then as the book progresses, you see how the river (and surrounding land) changes as colonists build mills, but then these towns turn to cities and, as time goes on, the river becomes polluted.

It’s a great way to discuss major Social Studies skills as well as to look at sequence and cause and effect… hmmmmm… I feel a unit creation coming on!! 🙂

This Wednesday will be the last traditional Workshop Wednesday for the summer. The months of June and July will have their own link-ups which will last all month and they will be more “summer-themed.” 🙂 But THIS Wednesday, we are back to Writer’s Workshop for Workshop Wednesday!

How do you teach Opinion/Persuasive/Argumentative Writing? You could share a lesson (or lessons), a book, a website… whatever! I feel like this is a harder one for my kiddos to grasp each year, so I think this topic will be a good one for us to share on and borrow from! 🙂

Make sure to go link up with Collaboration Cuties with your favorite Social Studies Mentor Texts! And, I hope you’ll come back Wednesday to link up here! 🙂