Social Studies Integration Planning Present

I think the best way for students to really understand science and social studies concepts is to also integrate it into reading and writing. I have many articles and passages that you can use to integrate your science and social studies skills into your language arts time.

Interactive notetaking is really just another form of close reading and annotating. It is a genius way of helping science and social studies content “sink in” and the kids really enjoy it! (Anything is better than reading the textbook, anyway!)

If you googled “interactive notes,” you would find that there are all different types of strategies. I am going to share the one that has worked for me in my classroom. In my room, we use colored pencils to key our paragraphs, then we use those same colors to write phrases and draw pictures that represent the important information learned in a passage. Colored pencils work best- no bleeding markers, and no fat, dull crayons.

I love this graphic to help explain the next part of interactive notes.
Interactive Notes Left Brain - Right Brain With Ideas by Jivey.
Because the left brain is in charge of the right side, and the right brain is in charge of the left side, any passage you give them will be glued on the right side of the notebook (the accurate control) and all of their interpretations of the passage will be done on the left side of the notebook (creative).
Interactive Notes Left Brain - Right Brain With Ideas by Jivey.
As you can see, each paragraph gets its own color, and then all of the work that is done for that paragraph will be done in that color- this helps them connect to each paragraph, and it’s also a great study tool!

Once students have finished their notes, they should be able to read back what they have learned. Allow the students to sit with a partner and talk in complete sentences to summarize the notes they have drawn and written on the left side of their notebook.

Interactive Notes Left Brain - Right Brain With Ideas by Jivey.
At home, they can do the same! They can fold their notebook in half so that they can see their notes and a parent or older sibling can see the article. As the student summarizes their notes- the person on the other side of the notebook should be able to follow along in the article, so they know if the child is not understanding.

Today’s Planning Present is a passage and questions about Sacagawea:
Interactive Notes Planning Present With Ideas by Jivey.
Interactive Notes Planning Present With Ideas by Jivey
I hope this planning present will help you effectively integrate social studies into reading! Don’t forget to head over to Teaching to Inspire with Jennifer Findley for another planning present!
For more Social Studies Resources and ideas, follow my Pinterest board!