Show and Tell/Tried It Tuesday and The Skittles Game!

Hey friends! Happy Tuesday! First, I’m linking up with Holly from Fourth Grade Flipper and Denise from Sunny Days in Second Grade


I wanted to SHOW off my kiddos Westward Expansion ABC books we TRIED before Spring Break. 🙂 See what I did there? 😉  This was a home project, but there was a “contract” signed that all students would be doing the work – not the parents. We talked about how I know what they are capable of in class, so I will know when I look at their book whether THEY did it or not (put a little fear in them- it works every time! haha!!) – and I can honestly say, only one child did not do the work herself! I was super proud of their responsibility and honesty.

They really turned out so great!! I was proud of the work they put into them! If you missed the post when I included the ABC list as a freebie, go get it {here}!

Here are some example pages from a few of my kiddos’ books:

Check out her explanation of yarns- it is hysterical!! “Yarns! NOT those yarns. Not the ones that cats play with. Yarns are legends or storys told. They did not have things to intertain themselves like XBox, Nintendo, ect. They needed things for them to intertain like yarns. Yarns are made up. They’re a little like bed time stories. They are a little werd if you tell me!”

Let me tell you why I love this one… this child came to me in November and she could NOT read, write, or speak English. Still, no one at home speaks English, so she is only getting everything at school!! She was very literate in Spanish, which helped… but WOW! Check her out! In 6 months, she can write better than some of my students who have been in this country all their life! *ahem*

Next up, Linking up with Latoya from Flying Into First Grade for the Skittles Game!

Here is the code:
Red- Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
Orange- Favorite Memory from College
Yellow- Favorite Sports Team
Green- Favorite Fast Food Place
Purple- Wild Card(Tell anything about yourself)

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:

I really can’t pick just one favorite… I love ice cream soooo much. But this is my current favorite. 🙂
Favorite Memory From College:

I went to the University of West Georgia, but I spent several fall weekends in Athens for tailgating and UGA games! What makes those memories different than going to games now, you ask? Well, then I could pass for a student so I’d always manage to sneak in to the student section, which is WAY better than where I end up now. 😛
Favorite Sports Team:
Go Dawgs!!!!
Favorite Fast Food Place:
I really try to avoid fast food when I can. Now don’t be thinking I’m all healthy and stuff… it’s just that I don’t really like hamburgers all that much, which is the majority of fast food. So I’m a Chick Fil A Girl- #1 combo with wheat bun, extra pickles, and sweet tea. 🙂
Wild Card:
I am currently sitting at home, waiting on the AC repairman. LUCKILY, I got a home warranty on my “new” house (new to me, but it’s 10 years old) because I only have to pay a $60 deductible. Whew! But man, what is it about repairmen and keeping schedules???
Don’t forget to come back tomorrow and link up for Workshop Wednesday!!
We’re sharing our favorite writing mini-lessons! Your lesson doesn’t have to be something you’ve taught recently- it could even be for the beginning of the year to get us all ready for next year! (That’s what PINTEREST is for!!!!)