Sharing Sunday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Resources

Sharing Sunday MLK Resources from Ideas By Jivey

The authors of The Primary Peach are back again for January to make your life easier and help you plan! I am sharing some fabulous activities for Martin Luther King, Jr with ideas for ALL grades! The best part: almost all of them are freebies or ideas from blog posts! Click on any of the images below to download the PDF. Once you are on the PDF, click around on all of the images to visit the resources!

Here are some great ideas for K-2:

Sharing Sunday MLK Resources from Ideas By Jivey

 Here are some great writing ideas for any grade:

Sharing Sunday MLK Resources from Ideas By Jivey

 And here are some ideas for grades 3 and up, including an exclusive freebie from me:

Sharing Sunday MLK Resources from Ideas By Jivey
Sharing Sunday MLK Resources from Ideas By Jivey
Sharing Sunday MLK Resources from Ideas By Jivey

Head over to The Primary Peach for more Sharing Sunday posts! You can also check out more MLK resources with Carla at Comprehension Connection!