Saturdays and Teacakes – Must Read Mentor Text AND Almost 300 Followers!

Good Sunday afternoon, friends! I’m linking up with those two Collaboration Cuties, Amanda and Stacia, for their fun Mentor Text Linky!

Today, I’m sharing one of my ALL TIME favorite books, Saturdays and Teacakes.

If you have never read this book, you are missing out!! It is a heartwarming story about a little boy who goes to visit his Mammaw every Saturday. The story takes you through his small town as he rides his bike to Mammaw’s, clearly not in present-day times. (Great book to point out how the author describes setting!)
Lester Laminack uses repetition of the words “pedal, pedal, pedal” as the boy is biking all the way to Mammaw’s, emphasizing his bike ride, and almost making it poetic. The boy arrives at Mammaw’s and cuts her grass for her… and then they make teacakes together. The author does an amazing job with visualization and describing using his five senses. By the end of the story, you will love Mammaw as though she was your own Mammaw!!

I use this book to help students see an example of a good memoir before they write their own. I have them brainstorm memories they have with someone in their family (they usually choose their grandmother, too, but just in case they might not know their grandmother, I don’t want to limit their thinking). I model my own memoir about my Mema for them over the course of our drafting time (usually a few days), and show how to incorporate some of the things Lester Laminack did in his writing, in our own.

Have you used this book in your own classroom? How have you used it?

Make sure to go link up with Collaboration Cuties to share about your own favorite Mentor Texts! It was so hard to choose just one. Glad I can link up every week! 🙂

Don’t forget to check back on Tuesday and Thursday this week for Mastering Mentor Sentences with Amanda, Stacia, and me! We’ll be diving in and explaining in more detail how we use mentor sentences!

Also, on Wednesday, come back and link up for Workshop Wednesday! This week’s topic will be for Reading Workshop: how do you stay organized with your guided reading groups? (you might discuss how you organize anecdotal notes, who is in the group, or even lesson plans)

Annnnd last but not least, I’m almost to 300! I can’t believe it! It seems like I JUST had my 200 follower giveaway! If you are willing to donate, please fill out the form below. 🙂