Round 2 of Workshop Wednesday June Professional Development!

Good morning! Have you found anything “pinteresting” lately, school-related? Link it up here, and be sure to check out everyone else’s finds, too! :o)

If this is your first time reading about June’s Linky Party, be sure to check out this post for information about embedding pins (if you aren’t already familiar with it)!

Please feel free to follow my Pinterest boards by clicking here or the button at the top right of my blog! Also, if you use the Pinterest button that shows up on my pictures to pin to your board, it will pin back to this post… if you just click on the picture (anywhere on the picture, but not the button), it will take you to the pin where you can repin, and check out the original source!

This is genius. How have I never thought of it before??? Dollar Store Car Wash Mitts to wipe off dry erase marker from the kids’ boards or desks!! I use boards quite a bit in math workshop… definitely going to invest in some mitts!

This website is AWESOME. I see some great research opportunities in my kids’ future! They have actual New York Times articles dating back to 1851!!

Source: via Jessica on Pinterest

The website this pin links to is WONDERFUL for starting Reading Workshop- it’s even sorted by grade level! If you haven’t used a traditional workshop model before or you want to get more ideas of how to START, this is a great place to check it out…
or if you just want to see you’ve been doing it right all along, check out the site! 😛

Don’t forget to grab the button and link back to this post from your post! I’ll repost the linky weekly in June with some new pins of my own… remember, you can link up as often as you’d like, on any day you want! Feel free to link up weekly with me if you’d like! 🙂
