Revisiting a Science Mentor Text

I have been going back and forth on whether to link up about this book because I previously blogged about it… but I just love it so much. I couldn’t resist. Plus, I focused on the mentor sentence I used for the book in the last post (and there is a freebie in that post!!) so I’ll talk more about how I use it in language arts and science now. 🙂

I guess I should tell you what book so you know what the heck I’m talking about (unless you clicked on that link up there)!

Arrowhawk is a book about a young red-tailed hawk that was shot in the leg/tail with a poacher’s arrow and he survived! The story is written based on what the author learned about a hawk’s behaviors because obviously, we don’t know exactly what happened in his journey before they were able to rescue and rehabilitate him. I got to hear all about her research and writing process last summer at an author’s visit! She even signed my book! 🙂

I love using Arrowhawk for an entire week because there is SO MUCH you can do with it. In fact, so much, I created a TPT unit for it! 🙂 It will be a FLASH FREEBIE until 8 PM EST! If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback on TPT! Thank you! 🙂

This is a great book to use for synthesizing. Students have no idea that this story is TRUE until the end, but they are very concerned about the hawk throughout the book… so they often have many questions that change their thinking as we read. Lola Schaefer also writes with very vivid language through the entire book, so I like for the students to listen for the vivid verbs especially, and make a list to use in their own writing. There are some vocabulary words that the students may not be familiar with, so I created a context clue activity to go along with some of the words as well. And OF COURSE, it is perfect for our animal adaptations unit! Here’s a freebie from the unit, answer key included! The activity includes sentences from the book- the students have to identify the type of adaptations/skills found in the sentence. My students loved to prove themselves with this activity- they had to tell me WHY they chose that word because for some, there are a few options!


Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
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