Yearlong Print and Digital Paired Text Bundle for Grades 4-6 Deal


Original price was: $67.99.Current price is: $55.00.

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These paired passages, or paired texts, meet the demand for more complex texts that students can use to compare and build knowledge to integrate information and draw conclusions. The high-interest, rigorous passages in this set are great to stretch your 4th and 5th graders, and still appropriate for many students in middle school as well.

I have included printable AND Google App formats of the passages along with the multiple-choice and constructed response questions. There are seven multiple-choice questions (each question assessing a different standard) and one constructed response/essay question PER PAIR.

The printable passages are provided in two styles: article (two column) as well as full page.

In this bundle, you will receive all 12 sets of upper grades paired texts with three pairs each (plus three individual pairs on three other topics) of high-interest informational passages that you won’t find in your textbook! Whenever new paired text sets are created, they will be added to this bundle (updates for life!) and all you’ll need to do is download the revised file. Each time a set of texts is added, the price will go up, so buying it now will earn you free passages later!

Topics of passages currently included in the bundle:
Westward Expansion
American Revolution
Native Americans
Bats, Owls, and Spiders
Natural Disasters
Winter and Snow
World Celebrations
February and March Themes
Mysteries of the Deep
Giraffes and Zoos
Environment Protection
Sound and Light Energy


  • whole group or small group modeling
  • read and annotate the texts together, then provide the questions for comprehension check, allowing students to use the annotated passages
  • completely independent practice for students reading above 4th-5th grade level



  • students enjoy the topics of the passages (no yawns through lessons)
  • integrate social studies and science content into ELA to maximize much-needed time
  • differentiate reading levels for students’ abilities
  • the multiple-choice questions cover a variety of standards per paired set, and they require students to go back into the text for the answer (not basic-level comprehension)
  • digital formats are self-grading
  • having both printable and digital formats allows teachers to transition seamlessly from in-class to virtual learning, or use in paperless 1:1 classrooms



Click here to see a blog post showing how I model purposeful annotating!



The assessments are provided in Google FORMS. The multiple-choice options will be shuffled for each student, and the items will be automatically scored.

The passages are provided in Google SLIDES and can be annotated by adding text boxes. Students could use lines to underline or draw arrows with the line tool. I have also inserted a “highlight box” on the title of each passage. Show students how to select the box, then copy and paste it to use for highlighting purposes in the text. They can resize the box by dragging the corners to highlight only what they need.

You could allow the students to use their annotated passages for their assessments by having them share the screen (or “split screen”) for both files. I have also included the passages at the top of the assessments.

Are you looking for DIFFERENTIATED passages to use for assessments? Click here to see my Mix and Match Assessments, differentiated for student reading level and grade level comprehension!


Please remember, this purchase is for the use of one teacher. It is not intended to be shared. Please use the ‘additional license’ purchase if more than one teacher will be using it. Thank you!

Copyright © 2014-2020 Ideas By Jivey, LLC
All rights reserved by author, Jessica Ivey.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.

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