Differentiated Standards-Based Reading Assessments Bundle | Digital & Printable


Original price was: $72.00.Current price is: $55.00.

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This bundle includes DIGITAL AND PRINTABLE FORMATS of 48 differentiated texts that assess standards covering key ideas and details, craft and structure, and integration of knowledge and ideas.

Each standard has twelve individual assessments (6 fiction and 6 nonfiction), so these are perfect for standards-based grading! There are also 12 assessments provided with the standards combined.

I have aligned them with Common Core, but because reading comprehension skills are assessed similarly across the board, you can easily use these even if you don’t use Common Core.

These assess standards including skills such as

  • drawing inferences
  • citing explicit evidence
  • main idea
  • recounting details
  • theme
  • summarizing
  • character details, actions, and traits
  • contributions of setting and events
  • describe/explain/compare relationship of events, ideas, and concepts
  • determine meaning of words and phrases
  • figurative language
  • mythological allusions
  • use text features and search tools
  • describe the structure: chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution
  • refer to parts of story, drama, poems using correct terms and explain differences
  • distinguish their own point of view
  • compare/contrast point of view (first and third person)
  • compare/contrast firsthand and secondhand accounts
  • explain/analyze how illustrations contribute to mood, character, setting
  • use information gained from illustrations to understand/explain text
  • describe connections in a text
  • explain author’s reasons and evidence
  • make connections between text and visual presentations
  • compare themes, plots, topics, events, and settings of stories
  • compare and contrast two texts on the same topic
  • integrate information from two texts


✓ pre-assessments
✓ formative assessments
✓ whole group mini-lessons
✓ independent practice
✓ homework
✓ small group remediation
✓ re-assessing
✓ progress monitoring
✓ standards-based grading
✓ assign digital Google Forms

Many people who use my Better Than Basal sets often ask how to assess after teaching with mentor texts. Rather than assessing on the book, I suggest assessing on the skill to see if they can apply it! This line of assessments is your answer! 🙂

Not looking for differentiated assessments and just prefer your own grade level?
Click here to get the year of THIRD GRADE ONLY.
Click here to get the year of FOURTH GRADE ONLY.
Click here to get the year of FIFTH GRADE ONLY.



These assessments are included in printable (PDF) and digital formats (Google Forms with self-grading options).

There are twelve texts included in each of the four packs (six fiction and six nonfiction). I have written four levels of each text in fiction and nonfiction genres (2nd-5th grade levels), as well as three levels of questions for each standard (3rd-5th grade standards). This is to allow for differentiation for your learners. For instance, if a student is reading on a 3rd grade level in 5th grade, you might still give him the 5th grade questions, but give the 3rd grade passage. This will truly assess if he can perform the skill, not if he can read the passage given. Of course, you don’t have to do this, it is just one of the many options I’ve provided in this pack.

Click on the links to see each individual pack:





The ways to combine the texts and standards are ENDLESS! Please look at the preview file of any of the individual packs to see the MANY POSSIBILITIES of ways to MIX AND MATCH these assessments!

I created a variety of long and short passages, as well as questions for each standard for each passage. The questions are not numbered so that you can mix and match them to create a longer test covering the skills you desire, or use them independently. I included the short passages with their grade level appropriate questions on one page, but also on two separate pages so that you may still mix and match the passage levels and questions if you’d like.


You might also be interested in my Paired Texts (also in digital and printable formats)! Paired texts meet the demand for more rigorous, complex texts with Common Core- especially these passages that students can use to compare and build knowledge to integrate information and draw conclusions.


Please remember, this purchase is for the use of one teacher. It is not intended to be shared. Please use the ‘additional license’ purchase if more than one teacher will be using it. Thank you!

Copyright © 2016-2020 Ideas By Jivey, LLC
All rights reserved by author, Jessica Ivey.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.

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