Daily Grammar Mentor Sentence Units (VOLUME 2) Bundle (Grades 3-5): 40 Weeks!


Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $34.00.

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Teaching your daily grammar lessons with the mentor sentences routine is the only way students will truly learn to apply grammar and language skills to their writing! No boring worksheets, lectures, sentences filled with mistakes, or rote drills that don’t stick…

This yearlong bundle of ready-to-teach mentor sentence lessons will have students working with one sentence from a favorite read-aloud mentor text in a different way each day for just 10-15 minutes!

Teachers who enjoy using mentor texts to cover content and maximize teaching time will love adding these mentor sentence lessons to their toolbox.

For each week’s lesson, you will guide students in discussion of the main focus on one or two grammar and language skills, but they are also exposed to new and previous grammar skills, too! This spiral learning truly makes an impact on their retention of grammar understanding and writing abilities. Students of ANY ability can use mentor sentences; because of the consistency, students know what to expect each day, and the spiral learning keeps those important skills in front of them week after week.

Students will work on revision skills each week. They will also imitate the author’s style and structure. Both of these steps in the mentor sentence routine help cement the transition of grammar, language, and style they’ve learned to their own writing.

Finally, use the formative assessments provided to find out what should be reviewed in future weeks.



You don’t need to be a grammar guru to implement mentor sentences. When you purchase mentor sentences from Ideas by Jivey, you get a “cheat sheet” for all 40 weeks- all the work is done! I’ve even done all the thinking for you when it comes to revising and imitating!

Each lesson includes:
• the teacher sentence page for display
• the student sentence page to glue into notebooks
• a lesson plan page with answers for each day’s routine
• a formative assessment/quiz with answer key (provided in print and digital format) which also includes editing practice

There is a 9-page introduction in the FIRST unit with pictures included of how I use mentor sentences in my room (VERY detailed, day-by-day).

This download also includes the “At-A-Glance” for all 40 books in Volume 2!

All of the books and lessons in this bundle are:

-The Golden Rule By Ilene Cooper

proper nouns

-The Name Jar By Yangsook Choi

proper nouns

-Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun By Maria Dismondy


-When Lightning Comes in a Jar By Patricia Polacco

vivid verbs

-Firefly Mountain By Patricia Thomas

vivid verbs (personification)

-14 Cows For America By Carmen Agra Deedy

subjects and predicates

-Those Shoes By Maribeth Boelts

conjunctions in compound sentences

-The Memory String By Eve Bunting

compound sentences

-The Adventures of Spider:How Spider Got a Thin Waist By Joyce Cooper Arkhurst

compound predicates

-The Spider and the Fly By Mary Howitt


-Cloud Dance By Thomas Locker


-In November By Cynthia Rylant


-Tikki Tikki Tembo By Arlene Mosel

compound sentences

-The Great Turkey Race By Steve Metzger

complex sentences

-The Honest-to-Goodness Truth By Patricia C. McKissack


-The Snow Globe Family By Jane O’Connor

comparative/superlative adjectives

-Snowmen at Christmas By Caralyn Buehner


-Martin’s Big Words By Doreen Rappaport

prepositional phrases

-Snow Day! By Lester Laminack

adjectives and adverbs

-The Day the Crayons Quit By Drew Daywalt

types of sentences

-Grace For President By Kelly DiPucchio


-George Washington’s Teeth By Deborah Chandra & Madeleine Comora

order of adjectives

-Night Rabbits By Lee Posey


-Crickwing By Janell Cannon

complex sentences

-Pinduli By Janell Cannon

relative pronouns

-Twilight Comes Twice By Ralph Fletcher


-My School’s a Zoo! By Stu Smith

possessive pronouns

-Chicken Sunday By Patricia Polacco


-Titanicat By Marty Crisp

prepositional phrases

-Voices in the Park By Anthony Browne

adverbs and adjectives

-Can It Rain Cats and Dogs? By Melvin and Gilda Berger

commas in a series

-Water Dance By Thomas Locker


-You Wouldn’t Want to Sail With Christopher Columbus! By Fiona MacDonald


-Postcards from Pluto By Loreen Leedy

possessive pronoun its

-Animals Nobody Loves By Seymour Simon

compound sentences

-OWLS By Gail Gibbons

compound subjects

-If You Traveled on the Underground Railroad By Ellen Levine

clauses in complex sentences

-Snowflake Bentley By Jacqueline Briggs Martin


-My Brother Martin By Christine King Farris

irregular past tense verbs

-A River Ran Wild By Lynne Cherry

complex sentences

I chose books that would be in most personal libraries or school media centers. All of these are personal favorites of mine!



Studies have shown that the “traditional method” of grammar workbooks, lectures, and diagramming is not only ineffective but can be detrimental to student writing! Grammar should be taught in context, NOT isolation.

Mentor sentences also help improve craft by revealing fantastic models of figurative language, descriptive words and phrases, and interesting sentence variation that they use as models for their own writing.

Mentor sentences allow students to soak up the language and grammar skills through noticing, conversation, and imitation, which in turn transfers to their writing.

Not familiar with mentor sentences? Read all about them here!

**Watch a video of Mentor Sentences in ACTION!**

If you need more proof that the numerous volumes of mentor sentence curricula created by Ideas by Jivey are a best practice in the classroom, download the case study! The download presents the data collected over the 2016-2017 school year in the form of a case study.



★ Volume 2 Interactive Language Arts Notebook Companion Bundle: includes an interactive activity for each focus skill in the mentor sentence sets.

★ Volume 2 Vivid Vocabulary Companion Bundle: includes vocabulary activities to use the words IN CONTEXTfrom the same books in all the mentor sentence sets.

★ Volume 2 Mentor Sentences Modifications ADD-ON Pack: supports students with disabilities, English as a Second Language, or slow writers.

★ You’ll also love to use these mentor texts in reading and writing, too! Make sure to get BETTER THAN BASAL: Complete NO PREP Reading & Writing Units for 30 Popular Mentor Texts, as well as the Nonfiction Companion!


★ Get the BIG bundle with all Volume 2 Mentor Sentences, Interactive Notebooks, Modifications, Vocabulary Activities, and Reading and Writing activities for all 40 mentor texts in the volume! Check out the Biggest and BEST Yearlong Bundle for Volume 2!

★ Check out these other separate mentor sentence mini-units to integrate other content!



You don’t need to do all of the mentor sentence lessons in the order they come in the units. When I created units 1, 2, and 3, I put them in the order I used them in my classroom, so these lessons are in an order that spirals and gets progressively more difficult, but it is not necessary to stay in that order. Unit 4 was created a year later as “extra” lessons with more of my favorite books that I used throughout the year.

Included in this bundle, there is an “At-A-Glance” document for all 40 books in Volume 2! This download will help you see all of the skills covered in Volume 2 units if you’d like to “bounce around” within the units.



There is a Volume 1 and a Volume 3 for grades 3-5 to help prevent repetition of mentor sentence lessons among grades in the same school.

Check out what’s in Volume 1!
Check out what’s in Volume 3!

Mentor Sentences can be done in ALL grades! Please tell your teacher friends about mentor sentences for their grade:

Kindergarten & ELL (Early Emergent Readers)
First Grade
Second Grade


Please remember, this purchase is for the use of one teacher. It is not intended to be shared. Please use the ‘additional license’ purchase if more than one teacher will be using it. Thank you!

*The mentor sentence lessons I have created are adapted from the ideas of Jeff Anderson. These lessons were born from the routine that worked well in my classroom, and the demos and examples I present are variations of Jeff Anderson’s methods. This is not the only way to “do” mentor sentences in your classroom.*

Copyright © 2015 Ideas By Jivey, LLC
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.

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