Math Partner Card Games – 3rd and 4th Grade


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Math Card Games

Math games are a great way to engage your students in math while they think they are “just playing!” :o) These math partner games are designed for 3rd and 4th graders and use multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction with whole numbers, as well as inequalities with whole numbers and fractions. I have stocked up on playing cards for my class at the dollar store- they are usually sold in packs of two for $1!

I have included the easy-to-follow directions of the games in full color and black and white. I would recommend laminating the directions and placing them in your centers/stations with the playing cards for easy access!

The games included in this packet are:
Lightning {Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction}
I SPY {Multiplication}
Multiplication War {Multiplication}
Make It Prime {Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction, Prime, Composite}
Greater or Less? {Whole Numbers, Inequalities}
Compare Fractions {Fractions, Inequalities}

Take a peek at the other Math Resources in my store!

Please remember, this purchase is for the use of one teacher. It is not intended to be shared. Please use the ‘additional license’ purchase if more than one teacher will be using it. Thank you!

Copyright © 2014 Ideas By Jivey, LLC
All rights reserved by author, Jessica Ivey.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.