Let It Snow! Math Activities for Upper Elementary Kids


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Winter Math

4th and 5th graders seem to miss out on all the fun these days, don’t they?! But not with these entertaining CCSS-aligned math activities! Your kids will enjoy math! These activities can easily be incorporated into math stations if you choose to use them that way.

Students will solve word problems with interesting facts and world records about snow using the powers of 10.
CCSS: 4.NBT.A.1, 5.NBT.A.2

Students will play a game to classify numbers as prime, composite, factors, or multiples.
CCSS: 4.OA.B.4

Students will solve multiplication problems to solve a riddle.
CCSS: 4.NBT.B.5, 5.NBT.B.5

Students will design a symmetrical snowflake.
CCSS: 4.G.A.3

Students will determine more or less than 1/2 to create a snowman glyph.
CCSS: 4.NF.A.2

Students will use a line plot with fractions to answer questions about snowfall.
CCSS: 4.MD.B.4, 5.MD.B.2

Be sure to look at the preview to see the activities included, too!

You might also be interested in these units from my TPT store:
Winter and Snow Paired Texts- Grades 4-8

Get these other seasonal units:
Gingerbread Week Thematic Unit
How Santa Got & Lost His Job – Common Core Aligned Mentor Texts Unit

And of course, take a peek at the Math Resources in my store!

Please remember, this purchase is for the use of one teacher. It is not intended to be shared. Please use the ‘additional license’ purchase if more than one teacher will be using it. Thank you!

Copyright © 2014 Ideas By Jivey, LLC
All rights reserved by author, Jessica Ivey.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.