Interactive Language Arts Activities Companion: Volume 2 Bundle


Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $20.00.

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These DIGITAL AND PRINTABLE interactive language arts notebooks are a companion to my Mentor Sentence Units.

There is ONE activity for each week to help you work with the focus skill in the mentor sentence lesson and apply it to writing, and each one is provided in printable and Google Slides formats.

Please look at the preview for a completed example of each of the activities!

Proper Nouns (companion to The Golden Rule)
Proper Nouns Sort (companion to The Name Jar)
Possessive Nouns Sort (companion to Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun)
Vivid Verbs (companion to When Lightning Comes in a Jar)
Personification Illustrations (companion to Firefly Mountain)
Subject and Predicate Star (companion to 14 Cows For America)
Missing Conjunctions (companion to Those Shoes)
Compound Sentence Creations (companion to The Memory String)
Missing Predicates (companion to How Spider Got a Thin Waist)
Similes (companion to The Spider and the Fly)
Personification (companion to Cloud Dance)
Figurative Language (companion to In November)
Creating Compound Sentences (companion to Tikki Tikki Tembo)
Subordinating Conjunctions (companion to The Great Turkey Race)
Similes Clipboard (companion to The Honest-to-Goodness Truth)
Comparative/Superlative Adjectives (companion to Snow Globe Family)
Rhyming Words (companion to Snowmen at Christmas)
Create Prepositional Phrases (companion to Martin’s Big Words)
Adjectives and Adverbs Sort (companion to Snow Day!)
Types of Sentences (companion to The Day the Crayons Quit)
Adverbs (companion to Grace for President)
Ordering Adjectives (companion to George Washington’s Teeth)
Similes (companion to Night Rabbits)
Creating Complex Sentences (companion to Crickwing)
Relative Pronouns (companion to Pinduli)
Personification (companion to Twilight Comes Twice)
Possessive Pronouns (companion to My School’s a Zoo!)
Speech Bubble Flaps (companion to Chicken Sunday)
Prepositional Phrases (companion to Titanicat)
Adjective and Adverb Sort (companion to Voices in the Park)
Commas in a Series Clouds (companion to Can It Rain Cats and Dogs?)
Vivid Verbs Star (companion to Water Dance)
Amazing Adjectives (companion to You Wouldn’t Want to Sail With Christopher Columbus!)
Contraction or Possessive (companion to Postcards from Pluto)
Conjunctions (companion to Animals Nobody Loves)
Compound Subjects and Predicates (companion to OWLS)
Clauses (companion to If You Traveled on the Underground Railroad)
Winter Similes (companion to Snowflake Bentley)
Past Tense Verbs (companion to My Brother Martin)
Conjunction Sort (companion to A River Ran Wild)

All of the books in this bundle also have mentor sentence lessons you can find HERE in the Volume 2 Bundle.

You’ll also love to use these mentor texts in reading and writing, too! Make sure to get BETTER THAN BASAL: Complete NO PREP Reading & Writing Units for 30 Popular Mentor Texts, as well as the Nonfiction Companion!


If you are going to buy all of the mentor sentences and interactive activities for the year, you definitely want to take a look at the Entire Yearlong Volume 2 Curriculum. For just $45 more, you’ll also get several reading activities, a writing prompt, and a week of vocabulary activities for ALL 40 BOOKS in Volume 2! You’ll be able to integrate the mentor text into all areas of ELA!


There is also a Volume 1 and a Volume 3 for grades 3-5 to help prevent repetition of mentor sentence lessons among grades in the same school.

Check out what’s in Volume 1!
Check out what’s in Volume 3!

Mentor Sentences can be done in ALL grades! Please tell your teacher friends about mentor sentences for their grade:

Kindergarten & ELL (Early Emergent Readers)
First Grade
Second Grade

Please remember, this purchase is for the use of one teacher. It is not intended to be shared. Please use the ‘additional license’ purchase if more than one teacher will be using it. Thank you!

Copyright © 2015-2020 Ideas By Jivey, LLC
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.