Mentor Sentences & Interactive Activities for Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone


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Category: Grade Levels: , , Mentor Sentence:


Mentor sentences are the perfect way to teach grammar and author’s craft through examples of excellent sentences from your favorite read-aloud books! This unit will be a great way to integrate grammar and language during your novel study of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling! It does not include explicit directions of how to implement mentor sentences in your room- these directions are in the Volume 1, FIRST Ten Weeks: Mentor Sentence UnitVolume 2, FIRST Ten Weeks: Mentor Sentence Unit, or Volume 3, FIRST Ten Weeks: Mentor Sentence Unitproducts for sale.

Not familiar with mentor sentences? Read all about them here!

**Watch a video of Mentor Sentences in ACTION!**



I walk you through each day’s lesson for 5 weeks- all the work is done! I’ve even done all the thinking for you when it comes to revising and imitating! 🙂 Each lesson includes the teacher sentence page, the student sentence page, a lesson plan page with possibilities for all 4 days, an interactive activity with the focus skill, and a quiz aligned with CCSS with answer key.

Skills covered in this unit:

➤vivid verbs and multiple predicates

➤relative pronouns

➤adverbs vs. adjectives

➤prepositional phrases

➤abstract nouns

Please download the preview file to see the layout. There are 5 lessons. I have broken the book apart into “chunks” for each lesson, stopping at natural points. You could do these lessons the week you are reading that section, or complete them the week AFTER you read that section. It is up to you!



For under $30, get everything you need for ELA for this book! Get these mentor sentences as well as the novel unit for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone from Where the Wild Things Learn to complete comprehensive reading comprehension activities!



There are three volumes for grades 3-5 to help prevent repetition of mentor sentence lessons among grades in the same school.

Check out what’s in Volume 1!
Check out what’s in Volume 2!
Check out what’s in Volume 3!

Mentor Sentences can be done in ALL grades! Please tell your teacher friends about mentor sentences for their grade:

Kindergarten & ELL (Early Emergent Readers)
First Grade
Second Grade


Please remember, this purchase is for the use of one teacher. It is not intended to be shared. Please use the ‘additional license’ purchase if more than one teacher will be using it. Thank you!

*The mentor sentence lessons I have created are adapted from the ideas of Jeff Anderson. These lessons were born from the routine that worked well in my classroom, and the demos and examples I present are variations of Jeff Anderson’s methods. This is not the only way to “do” mentor sentences in your classroom.*

Copyright © 2018 Ideas By Jivey, LLC

All rights reserved by author, Jessica Ivey.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.

Not for public display.

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