Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Mentor Text Digital & Print Unit


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Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett is a fun mentor text for all ages! If you don’t own a copy of the book, check your local library or you might even find an online read-aloud of the text with a simple Google search!


In this pack, you will receive:

★a mentor sentence lesson for the book

★an interactive notebook activity to review/teach complex sentences

★bonus parts of speech activity

★reading activities: story map, tall tale elements, effects of setting on characters, cause and effect, vivid language visualization, context clues

★one writing idea suggested with a writing prompt given

★contextual vocabulary activities

★ Activities are also provided as links to Google Slides for Digital Learning! ★


Please remember, this purchase is for the use of one teacher. It is not intended to be shared. Please use the ‘additional license’ purchase if more than one teacher will be using it. Thank you!

Copyright © 2013-2022 Ideas By Jivey, LLC

All rights reserved by author, Jessica Ivey.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.

Not for public display.

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