Peace, Hope, Love, and Kindness

This Peace, Hope, Love, and Kindness linky party is a place for you to link up whenever you have heartwarming stories, lessons you’ve done with your class about peace, hope, love, or kindness, or even random acts of kindness. When the world seems to be falling apart around us, this is a webpage to visit to get a pick-me-up! We hope this linky will not only lift our spirits and remind us that there is so much good around us, but also will be an encouragement to us to be the good we want to see in the world. As teachers, we have such a powerful role in shaping the future…let’s share our ideas so we can make the world a better place TOGETHER! You can come back anytime here, at Head Over Heels For Teaching, or Collaboration Cuties and link up as often as you’d like. All the link ups will show on all three blogs! 🙂
