Oklahoma and Tried It Tuesday: Roller Coaster Day

Oh my gosh. My heart hurts for all of the people in Oklahoma. My brain can’t even fathom the teachers and students in the schools that were destroyed, and where some lost their lives. 🙁 Seriously, that is my worst nightmare: to be at school and a natural disaster hits. It made me hug all of my children a little tighter today. 🙁

Since my emotions lately seem to be on a roller coaster (happy, sad, happy, sad!!!), I thought it would be perfect to pull out Erin’s (from I’m Lovin’ Lit) Roller Coaster Day Theme Unit today!

My kids had a BLAST with it! I bought it during the big TPT sale recently because it’s advertised to leave for a sub, and I’m always looking for good things to take away my stress of sub plans if I have to be out……. but this was a PERFECT end of the year activity, too!! And I will gladly leave it for a sub next year- it was excellent! 🙂

I’m linking this up with Fourth Grade Flipper‘s Tried It Tuesday because I think you should DEFINITELY try it! 🙂

Make sure to go check out all the other awesome ideas on Holly’s blog, too! 🙂

Don’t forget to link up tomorrow for Workshop Wednesday!!

How do you have students respond to their reading? Let’s share our ideas for reading responses!