Must Read Mentor Text: Who Was Sacagawea?

Happy Easter! I hope you enjoyed your weekend! I wish we’d had Good Friday off to make it a 3-day-weekend, but sadly, we didn’t. I stayed pretty busy with friends and family, so this weekend flew. I can hardly wait til SUMMER!! But for now, I’m linking up with my friends Amanda and Stacia!

Please tell me you’ve heard of the “Who Was?” books! They are so awesome and the kids ABSOLUTELY love them. The series is an excellent way to get students to read nonfiction. My kids just recently found this one:

I didn’t even prompt them! They found it on their own because #1, they love this series, and #2, we were finishing up Westward Expansion!

Here is the Amazon description: Sacagawea was only sixteen when she made one of the most remarkable journeys in American history, traveling 4500 miles by foot, canoe, and horse-all while carrying a baby on her back! Without her, the Lewis and Clark expedition might have failed. Through this engaging book, kids will understand the reasons that today, 200 years later, she is still remembered and immortalized on a new golden dollar coin.

Speaking of Sacagawea… Did you purchase my Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Unit on TPT in the last few weeks? If you did, lucky you! You just got a freebie! ;o) I added Sacagawea to the pack- she now has an article as well as a questions page and a character traits graphic organizer! Make sure to go download the revision from your purchases!

This unit offers a great way to integrate your Social Studies into Reading Workshop! This is the only way I can ever get in all of my Social Studies information before THE TEST- through integration.

Speaking of THE TEST, I actually shared Workshop Wednesday’s topic on Wednesday like I was supposed to, but it somehow got all tangled up in the html for the link-up so you couldn’t read it. :o( But if you were looking for the topic, here it is:
Come back Wednesday to share your test-taking tips: how do you teach students test-taking strategies, or what are some things you do to prepare for the “BIG” tests?

Our test is April 30-May 6 (five school days) – one test per subject… so I’ll be sharing some things we are doing next week to prepare! Can’t wait to get some ideas from y’all too!