Must Have Monday: Dropbox App!

Hi friends! I’m linking up with the sweet Sabra from Teaching with a Touch of Twang!

I blogged back in January about Dropbox…here’s what I said:

It’s completely free. You can store pictures, video, documents, etc and then access them from ANYWHERE. This includes your iPads, phones, and other computers! That means no more emailing things to your home email from school to finish after dinner… just save it in your dropbox! And the great thing is- it’s similar to GoogleDocs in that you can share with others with an invitation. Once you share a folder with someone, then anything they add to the folder, or you add to the folder, you both can access! It’s great for collaboration! *wink wink*
At the time, I loved knowing I had the app on my phone and my iPad so I could access things like pictures, but it wasn’t until this last month that I realized how PERFECT it is for us bloggers. How many times have you checked in on some blogs on your phone with a few minutes of downtime (or sitting on your iPad instead of your laptop) and see that a fellow blogger is having a flash freebie?? You might have thought you just had to go without because you weren’t on your computer. NOPE!! Tonight, Joanne from Head Over Heels For Teaching posted a freebie, and I didn’t miss out on it! I opened it in TPT on my phone and hit “Download.” It actually opens the document- when you have the Dropbox app, you’ll see this:

Press “Open in Dropbox” and it will open it in the app…

Just press “Save” and you’re done! Then later, you can access it from your computer to print! 🙂 Easy peesy!

I like to save things in my dropbox that I want to print at school (because the laser color copier/printer just looks better…) – all I have to do is go to from any computer and log in, and everything I’ve saved is there! (No worrying about forgetting my external hard drive…)

I hope this helps you! I’d say Dropbox on ALL electronic devices is my Must-Have! 🙂 What are yours? Link up with Sabra and share!