Monday Made It: SMART Board Lesson!

Hey friends! I hope you all had a restful weekend. I’m sorry that I was on a bit of a blogging hiatus for the last few days… no five For Friday, no Sparking Motivation Saturday, and no Mentor Text on Sunday! 😮  Sometimes, it’s just very hard to juggle the blog in with all the day-to-day things I have going on, too. I know you understand! :o)

I haven’t made a whole lot this month, but I want to link up with Tara to share something I HAVE made recently!

One thing (among MANY things) that I’m “juggling” is integrating technology more into my classroom. There are some great SMART Board resources out on the web already, but they aren’t always exactly what I need, and by the time I edit them, I might as well have just made it myself. So I’m trying to create a bit more myself for my students to interact with…

This is one I made for mixed numbers, which we are working on now… the students enjoy doing things on the SMART Board WAAAAAAAY more than doing worksheets (it’s so much more fun to them, despite the fact that it’s the same problems!!)… I have everyone work on white boards or in their math notebooks to show their thinking FIRST and then they feel super lucky if I choose them to come show the class their work!

And you can grab it for FREE here! Now, I’m not promising anything over-the-top spectacular here, ok? But my kids enjoyed it, so hopefully yours will, too. 🙂

Also, don’t forget to come back and link up for Workshop Wednesday this week!

We are sharing one of our favorite chapter books with a lesson idea (good luck picking just one! hee hee)- this might be a read-aloud or a book you use in group. You can absolutely share a product in your blog post, give a freebie, and/or just describe a lesson that you do with it. It’s totally up to you! (But no direct product link-ups, please.)  See you Wednesday! :o)