Math Station Planning Present

Math Stations should not be intimidating or a burden, and sadly, I know many teachers feel that way. The purpose of stations (or centers, if that’s what you call them) is for students to review and practice what you have already taught them. You should not feel like you have to put out brand new centers every week (which is usually where the burden sets in). Use open stations (not worksheets) that you can recycle throughout the year!

Open Activities in Math Stations With Ideas by Jivey

Big skills, such as multiplication and division to name just two, shouldn’t be done “only when you’re teaching it.” Students need to practice these skills all year. Provide the same laminated open activity with dice at various times of the year and students won’t get tired of it- because each roll of the dice provides a different problem! Differentiate with different sized dice, and you’ll be able to use the same open activity with different learners all year long! You can find all of my math stations here!

Today’s Planning Present is a set of differentiated multiplication stations. These open activities use dice so students can do it over and over (and over) and always get different problems. 
Open Activities in Math Stations With Ideas by Jivey
This station is from the complete Multiplication Differentiated Stations!
There are two versions of the activity. Depending on your learners, you may want students drawing groups to solve their multiplication problem, or you may want students drawing arrays with larger numbers. Both of these are included. 
Open Activities in Math Stations With Ideas by Jivey
The great thing about open activities is you can vary the difficulty just by providing different dice! They are also NEVER ENDING activities, so whether students have 10 minutes or 20, they just erase and start over (laminate the activities and provide dry erase or vis-a-vis markers).
Open Activities in Math Stations With Ideas by Jivey
I hope this planning present will help you use math stations effectively in your classroom. Don’t forget to head over to Jennifer’s blog, Teaching to Inspire, for another planning present!

For more Math Resources and ideas, follow my Pinterest board!